
【轉載】TOP 10 生科人愛用的iphone / ipod touch應用程式

文章出處 My Biotech LifeTaipeiMac

1. Papers or Mendeley for the iPhone or iPod Touch : I’m quite sure that neither of these great applications are available for iPhone/iPod Touch yet, but when they do become available, I’m also sure they will be right at the top of my list. Nothing like having your papers at the tips of your fingers.

2. PubSearchPlus: For a few bucks more than the non-Plus version, you get full-text access to PubMed search. Everyone knows how useful this can be. [@ iTunes]
這個是找Pubmed文章的app,應該念生科的人都非常需要用,1.99 美金 可以提供 full version 下載,另外也有0.99的版本,不提供文章下載,還沒購買~預計過兩天信用卡結帳日到了會買

3. iCut DNA: Restriction enzymes are the scissors that allow us to engineer our very own source code, DNA, and there are plenty of them. This app comes in handy, allowing quick access to the restriction enzyme database (REBASE) and detailed info on each restriction enzyme. [@ iTunes]

4. Molecules: This free app lets you glimpse at molecules in 3D. Allowing you to rotate them and zoom in to see their structure. Great stuff! [@ iTunes]
之前有下載過又砍掉了~但好像就是看看分子結構,有提供資料庫供您搜尋你的target molecue

5. Solutions: This awesome app comes from the guys that are responsible for the award winning Apple software, Papers. If you have trouble with your solubility calculations or just don’t want to keep running numbers through your calculator, this is definitely worth every penny. (My short review of Solutions)
算濃度的,雖然大家念到這裡應該國中高中理化都很強了,但隨著年紀增長,有老人癡呆的症狀,有時候是需要一些輔助的,另外有一個免費的 LabCal可以用用看

6. Evernote for iPhone: This award winning piece of software has been improving since day one and they keep outdoing themselves with new features. The free app allows you to synchronize anything from notes, photos, snippets and now even files! Great app for taking notes that you can later check on your computer, or vice-versa. [@ iTunes]

7. The Chemical Touch: This is probably the best of the Periodic Table apps I got a chance to use. Very intuitive and it also comes with a extra functionality that includes all the amino acids with detailed info, including chemical structure. [@ iTunes]

8. Primer Jot: A very simple way to keep your primers and oligos in order. Although I haven’t used a PCR in quite a while, I’m sure this can be useful for those that run PCRs regularly. [@ iTunes]

9. Measures - Unit Converter: A great help when working with odd units like the English system. Hah! [@ iTunes]

10. Lab Timer: This app may only come useful to those doing work at the bench. It’s what the name says, it’s a lab timer. Allows for 4 separate timers with descriptions. Simple, intuitive and above all useful. [@ iTunes]

另外再推一個 Nextbio,可以找一些基因,並且search相關的文獻,當然只有摘要拉~沒有全文

另外剛剛在寫這些短評的時候,看到一個 Normal lab values,好像很有趣,一時眼花看成免費,沒想到要1.99美金,嗚,還好剛剛沒去吃中飯~